Human-Animal Bond

Human-Animal Bond

Whichever way your friend eventually leaves you —
you will feel as alone as a single star
in the dark night sky.

Just like in my past posts, the easiest way I can embody a situation regarding paediatric chaplaincy is to once again relate it to our pets. The loss of a beloved pet is one of the most painful experiences we can face. Not only have we lost our companion and friend, but oftentimes we also lose the only constant positive support and comfort we have in our lives.

This is an especially important topic now because the recent pandemic and social isolation have put many people out of touch with any traditional means of support. Some of my clients have literally no friends, no family, no support, they've lost the love of their life, and now they are isolated, desperate, and alone. Providing the support and presence that I do and the community that I helped to create has been a godsend to so many people in need. Today I get to talk about how I've used some of the many tools and resources that this wonderful paediatric chaplaincy course has taught me these last few months.